Went to Pune over the weekend. While going to Pune, it was not that panic, only few people wore the mask in pune airport. but within two days, it changed drastically. Number of death cases are increasing. In Pune city, many people wear masks, although few ignore it. While coming back to bangalore, In Pune airport I think 60% of people wore the mask. I didn't see any foriegner wearing a mask. They are not caring at all, either they don't know where to buy or don't care about spreading it. To avoid that, Airport authorities might have made the arrangements to provide/sell the masks at the security checks. In the security checks, the security checking inspector are wearing the masks, but no emphasis on the passenger about the usage of masks. I wore my mask that we got from a medical shop in pune. Reached bangalore airport, I was partially happy and partially scared after seeing that only < 5% of the people were wearing the masks.
Somewhere I read that this virus might hit 30% (approx) of world population. Too scary...
Children and old aged groups are easy targets for this virus. Wash your hands frequently and properly, keep distance from people who have symptoms. Check out what WHO says about it -
WHO's FAQBeware of this virus, take precautions to avoid the reception of this virus and also to avoid spreading of this virus.
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